Migrate s9y posts
– use import from RSS, rss = http://blog-s9y.hostsname.sk/feed/rss.php?version=2.0&all=1
And then update to whole body:
UPDATE wp_posts w, sp_entries s SET w.post_content = CONCAT(s.body , '<!--more-->', s.extended) COLLATE utf8_general_ci WHERE w.post_title = s.title COLLATE utf8_general_ci ;
Migrate s9y comments
INSERT into wp_comments (comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_author_IP, comment_date, comment_date_gmt, comment_content, comment_karma, comment_approved, comment_parent, user_id) SELECT sp_comments.id, wp_posts.ID, sp_comments.author, email, url, ip, FROM_UNIXTIME(sp_comments.timestamp), FROM_UNIXTIME(sp_comments.timestamp), sp_comments.body, 0, 1, parent_id, 1 FROM sp_comments INNER JOIN sp_entries ON (sp_comments.entry_id = sp_entries.id) INNER JOIN wp_posts on (sp_entries.title = wp_posts.post_title COLLATE utf8_general_ci ) ;
Generate HTTP rewrite rules (some articles ID’s may have be changed during migration)
SELECT s.id, CONCAT( 'Redirectmatch permanent ^/archives/', s.id, '-(.*).html$ /', REPLACE(LEFT(w.post_modified, 10), '-', '/'), '/', w.post_name, '/') AS new_url FROM sp_entries AS s INNER JOIN wp_posts AS w ON ( w.post_title = s.title COLLATE utf8_general_ci AND w.post_type = 'post') ;